Text: Psalm 126:6
“The seed is precious—costly. However, is it not true that from many of our lives God gets the scraps? We pray to Him if we are not too tired; we go to prayer meetings if it is not raining; we pray for the heathen if we are constantly being jabbed by prayer circulars. Shall we render unto the Lord that which costs us nothing? We will have to sacrifice precious things in our lives if we are going to learn the great art of intercession.”
(Quote from Leonard Ravenhill’s, Revival Praying, p. 70)
There were times in my life that I felt like I had to sacrifice so He would be pleased with me, whether it was in a prayer time or a church service. It was like I had to prove to the Lord that, by my sacrifice, I was really willing. However, I learned I was wrong in my thinking…I didn’t need to give up things because I had to; rather I needed to give up things—precious things—because I wanted to. And then what was so legitimately precious beforehand and seemingly so difficult to give up, once sacrificed, really paled in comparison by being in the presence of my Lord.
What is the one precious thing you can offer the Lord this week in order to spend more time in prayer? Is it the TV show that you just have to see? The 30-minutes of sleep in the morning that just can’t be sacrificed for prayer? Your internet time—after all you have to see what’s going on with everybody and check your apps.
Prayer Focus
Let the Holy Spirit speak to you about the precious “thing” that needs to be offered during this focused time of prayer for revival—and then pray to be able to willingly offer it up. Meditate on Psalm 110:3, “Your people will offer themselves freely on the day of your power, in holy garments….”